Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is digital marketing?

Often, there’s confusion about what exactly counts as digital marketing, and we get why! It’s a vast field but simply put, digital marketing can include any marketing which happens in the online realm and/or which involves a phone, laptop, tablet, or another device, which can connect to the internet.

A social media post, a paid ad on Google, SEO efforts, a blog post, an email, or an app are all small examples of the overall world of digital marketing.

2. Why is digital marketing important?

Digital marketing provides ways for companies to grow their audience, increase profits, and build a better relationship with past and future customers. While that’s the goal of a traditional marketing campaigns too, digital marketing allows brands to target a more specific or niche audience and is easier to measure results.

3. Can AI replace human marketers?

While AI can automate many marketing tasks and processes, it will completely replace human marketers. AI serves as a powerful tool to augment human capabilities and improve efficiency, but human creativity, strategic thinking, and emotional intelligence are still crucial in marketing.

Human marketers can leverage AI to make informed decisions and focus on high-level tasks that require a human touch.

4. What are SEO and SEM?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of using different tactics and actions to make a website or webpages appear higher up in search results when people use search engines like Google. SEO uses organic search, and clicks or views aren’t paid for.

SEM stands for search engine marketing. Although it is also designed to help web pages appear when users enter search queries, it focuses mainly on paid results. That is, results appear but are paid for when users interact with these results.

Both SEO and SEM are useful in digital marketing and should be used in tandem for the best results.

5. Can you do it yourself, or do you need an agency?

That depends on who you are, really! Often, business owners, marketers, or entrepreneurs can do certain parts of digital marketing, but not all of it. An agency can be helpful in terms of devising a coherent strategy, allowing you to make use of experts to get better results, and figuring out where to best spend your money. But you don’t have to outsource all (or any) of it, especially if you’re willing to learn and already have a knack for, say, writing social media captions or interpreting analytics data.

6. How much time should social media marketing take me?

This is strongly dependent on your brand and where else you’re marketing. One thing that we will say, though, is brands often underestimate how long it takes to create a successful social media marketing campaign. Our team puts multiple hours in per week to create graphics, write content, engage with other brands, and stay on top of the most recent trends.

7. What social media platforms are best for my business?

While social media presence is crucial for all companies, each company will have different social media needs and strategies. For some, Facebook will be the best platform for business, while Instagram may be better for others. To determine which platform is best for your business, it is important to first determine your target audience and social media goals.

8. What is the main purpose of social media marketing?

Social media falls in the brand awareness and consideration stage of the sales funnel. Social media platforms allow businesses to connect with their target audience and slowly but surely nudge them down the funnel with content and links to learn more.

By providing relevant information about products and services, engaging with their audience, and providing free trials or specials, businesses are able to nurture leads into buyers.

9. How do I get my website to the top of Google?

The coveted top spot on Google is the holy grail of digital marketing. But there’s no quick fix to getting it. A variety of digital marketing strategies come together to get a business or web page to “rank” (show in the top search results) on search engines.

These strategies all play an important role and include identifying keywords or phrases, optimizing website pages for these keywords, improving the website experience, driving traffic to your website via other channels, developing content that people share and find valuable, and using paid advertising to leapfrog other results. Over time, different pages on your website should climb up the Google rankings when people are searching for your products, services, or content related to your business.